Revegetation & Wildlife Management Center, Inc.






Research and Development

Nine Step Plan
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Riparian Revegetation

Soil Suitability Studies

Wildlife Monitoring


Riparian Revegetation

Revegetation and Wildlife Management Center is a company which specializes in wildlife habitat restoration and wildlife studies. Most of our work is in the lower Colorado River Valley of Western Arizona and Southeastern California . Other projects have been done in the Coachella, Santa Clara , and Kern River Valleys in California to Rio Grande in the Texas Panhandle. We integrate research and development with all of our restoration projects.

Revegetation and Wildlife Management Center is the leader in Desert Riparian revegetation in the Desert Southwest with projects ranging from less than an acre to 200 acres. The typical size of a revegetation project has been 25-30 acres. Our proven method has converted hundreds of acres to native riparian habitat. Some sites are not suitable for revegetation without soil reclamation. The proper treatment of a site is determined by  a preliminary soil analysis.

Our cost for the revegetation is surprisingly low, especially considering the cost of a typical landscaping project. Cost per acre varies depending on the contiguous size of the site, extent of reclamation needed, and proximity to one of our offices (Blythe and Hemet , California ).  Most of our sites are within 150 miles of an office. If you would like a quote, please contact us and give us a description of what needs to be done. We can send a representative to the site and schedule a preliminary analysis to determine the extent of work needed to achieve the desired objectives.

Whether you are a manager, developer, engineer or planner, involved with meeting mitigation or wildlife enhancement requirements we offer the very best revegetation and wildlife services available. With our knowledge base and experience we can be very helpful in offering a viable vegetation plan, implement it, and handle required monitoring and reports to government agencies.

Soil Suitability Studies

We have collected and analyzed data from revegetation projects for the 21 years. A typical analyses includes soil texture, salinity, moisture, and depth to the water table. If the area has vegetation, we record species abundance, condition and height at all vegetated sample points. From past data analyses, we can determine the suitability of an area for revegetation, which species are most likely to thrive and measures that might be required to meet objectives.

Wildlife Monitoring

Wildlife monitoring has included bird and mammal censusing. Typically the monitoring is done monthly to capture variation in use by species throughout the year. Many bird species are migratory and rodent activity varies with the seasons. We have also conducted studies in the diet of bird species in conjunction with insect use of riparian habitats. Currently we are involved with a study on the variation between white-cheeked goose populations in the United States and Canada.

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